Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cali Visit

Is anyone still there?  If so, sorry we haven't updated in over a month - yikes!

We've just got back from our visit to Reedley.   We were gone almost a month - and we feel it in our Spanish.  It's been a mad dash to catch up since returning on Tuesday, however it was worth it.  We had a great time visiting family and friends, as well as being a part of Lisa (Renee's sis) and Craig's wedding on September 6th.  Gracie was a great flower girl - she charged down the isle with her basket of flowers, screaming with delight the whole way.  Unfortunately, our computer deleted most of our pictures of the wedding, but we'll try to get some from other family that took some.  If we do, we will post them!  

Jake and his dad, Larry, drove our car back to Guadalajara.  They had fun and didn't run into any complications along the way.  Uneventful, in this case, is an answered prayer!  Renee and Gracie flew, but for some reason Gracie did not care for flying this time.  Her first few flights were filled with sleep.  However, this time it was filled with screaming and frustration.  Renee was VERY glad to touch ground, as were the rest of the passengers, I'm sure!  

We do have some more things to update you all on, but that will come in the next few days (no, we're not pregnant :).  In the meantime, here are some fun pictures of our trip!   The first is Gracie and Grandpa, then Gracie and her favorite cousin Robert, then my beautiful sister and the flower girls, and finally the wedding cake (the topper is an "R" for Reed, but it's mirrored for some reason).  That is there because it's pretty and I'm shamelessly advertising for my other sister, Heather, who made it!  


Anonymous said...

Of course we're still here! Glad to hear you made it back safe and had a great trip...You guys are in our prayers every day. Blessings to you all. We love you!
-Kansas Fasts

Unknown said...

Hey guys!!!! Glad all worked out on your trip home. We know God has big plans for the two of you...just keep a learn'n the espanol. Hope you can read some of those books with of course comprehension, haha!!

Take care and anxious to hear what's next in your lives.
Jim and Marla