Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The true story on the reality of the drug cartel in Guatemala

Guatemala City has nearly 4 million people!

A few days before our most recent visit we read an article posted on Yahoo.com regarding the drug cartel in Mexico. It was very intesting to read that as Mexico continues to literally fight against the drug cartel (resulting in thousands of known deaths, many others unknown) among the police, the cartel, and normal citizens. This is not new. What the article went on to say was that there is a good amount of personel from the Mexican cartel that are tired of looking over their shoulders in Mexico and therefore moving to Guatemala. Guatemala just doesn't have the abilitty to fight off these people like Mexico, therefore it is easier to lay low and do business as usual. Guatemala realizes this and has currently received monies and equipment from the United States to beef up its forces. Over dinner one evening, Renee and I were sitting across the table from our well educated Guatemalan friend who travels with an armed security guard/driver. I thought, 'Hey, I'm going to learn about this drug thing from someone who lives in the country." So, I made reference about the article and proceeded to ask him what he thought and if he sees any activity in his day to day activity. Speaking in English, he responded very generally, saying that whereas the report is somewhat true, the activity isn't really anything to be concerned about. Come to find out, after our meal, he said to us, "Sorry I wasn't able to discuss more about the question you asked." going on he said, "did you see the group of people at the table next to us?" "Yes", we replied. He went on to say that of that group of about 8 people, 4 of them were carring guns, and he believed could very well be involved in just the thing I was asking him questions about! During our meal he even called his driver and had him get the vehicle ready in case we needed to get out of there sooner than planned. Wow!

We share this with you to inform you of the kinds of situations that happen in Guatemala. Please take this information and use it to better pray for the Government of Guatemala to make wise decisions. For the safety and protection of the people. As well, pray that the men and women involved in the cartel would have heart and life transformations because of the love Jesus has for them. As the Apostle Paul says, Our battles aren't against flesh and blood (the visible things we encounter), but against powers and principalities in the heavenly realms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jake and Rene,
Wow!I'm encouraged by you.Thank you for sharing the things we need to pray on and for your demonstration of what it looks like to step out in the time of sacrifice.Praying for you,Naomi C.