Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Spanish

A lot has been happening since we last wrote:  we've moved into a new apartment where we actually have neighbors!  We have begun our second 7-week session of language study.  If you described the speed of this section so far it would be a run.  We are praying for lots of help to keep up.  An awesome thing is that as Christ followers we have the mind of Christ.  There is none better!

As we look past these next 7 weeks we see a bit more clearly than we did prior to heading south of the border.  After starting our first session our eyes were opened to how much Spanish there is to know and therefore how much we'd lack if we only completed 2 sessions.  So, as we prayed about this obvious fact we felt it was  good to complete all 4 sessions; which means we will be living in Guadalajara until the beginning of December.  We will be home at the end of August, as Renee's little sister is getting married September 6th. 

If we look past December we are still unsure where we will be.  We are praying for God's relevation and direction for a location.  We invite you to pray along with us.  Not just for a location, but also for the children God will lead us to.  Pray that we would be able to communicate clearly and simply the good things that Jesus offers:  Abundant Life, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control.  God truly wants to be a Father and Mother to the fatherless and he wants us to use people like you and me to be those who lack those important people in their lives.

As we study, the reality that we will be able to share the good news of the Kingdom of God with children pulls us forward.  A recent verse spoken about this last Sunday at church comes to mind as a perfect example of what we get to be about.  You can read it for yourselves in the New Testament book of Colossians, chapter 1, verse 27.  Here Paul, the author, says about this glorious live offered to everyone:  "Christ in you, the hope of glory."  So, if Christ is in us, we carry the hope of His glory.  What responsibility and honor given to us.

Thanks so much for your love and support.  Time to study!  Love, The Harder 3

THE GRACIE CORNER:  Gracie is cutting at least 4 teeth right now!  She loves to sing, especially when she wakes up and is alone in her room.  We can't figure out what to call her, she has so many nicknames here:  Chela, Chelita (both short for Gracie), Che, Graciela, and that doesn't include the constant terms of endearment given by friends and random people:  Hermosa, muneca, perciosa, etc.  Her pride level continues to increase as she is learning how to climb up on chairs, up steps by herself and helping mom and dad clean.  It is a lot of fun to watch!  It also seems as though she is understanding and responding to Spanish spoken to her, which is fantastic!


Unknown said...

It is exciting to hear what the Lord has revealed to you at this time! We shall continue to pray with you and for you. Take Care always.

Maureen and CJ

Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray for you guys, keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Wow! You guys are awesome and an awesome God is leading you. We can see that more time can only help you! We are praying for you and are with you as you are there.
Take care and we love you,
Jim and Marla