Tuesday, November 13, 2007

6 Month Check-Up

Gracie was not a big fan of what her mom made her do this morning. First, she had to get in the stupid carseat again. Then, she had to go to the doctor. She does not like the paper on the bed - it freaks her out. Then, she had to lay on the scale. More flailing and crying. Then the doctor examined her from head to toe, poking and prodding. More wailing. Finally, to end the visit, she got 3 shots. That was the final straw - full out screaming!

As for the statistics, she is now 27" long (she grew 1" in 2 months) and 14lbs, 15oz. Only a pound gained in 2 months. Doctor says she's very active and thus the burning of the calories! Everything else was great! (Gracie has since recovered and has laughed many times this afternoon, for those concerned for her little brain).

1 comment:

Rachel Oberg - De Ma Cuisine said...

I would cry too if I had to sit in a car seat!